Truly Encouraged

I just wanted to say that it was huge blessing to be able to get away with my wife for our 11 year anniversary and to not worry one bit about Emmaus. Lindsay and I shared with another couple that we were six weeks in to a new church plant, and they said, “Really! And you are on vacation? Do you think the church will be there when you get back?” To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it until that comment was made, and even then it wasn’t a bother to me.

It is a huge blessing to be able to start a new church with so many good people contributing to the work of the ministry. I heard that the Angel Food distribution went very well. Thank you to all who pitched in and helped out with that ministry! Also, I thought that Russell Schmidt did a great job preaching on Sunday. If you missed it, I would encourage you to listen to the sermon on-line; it should be up in just a couple of days.

Ultimately, I know that you are not doing any of this for me; you are serving the Lord in all that you do. Never-the-less, I can’t help but feel personally grateful. It is an awesome encouragement for me to see others passionate about the ministry to the same degree that I am. It is evidence that this is indeed a God thing. He is in all of this, moving in each of our hearts, as He brings us together as the body of Christ.

From my perspective, this is definitely not my church. I say that knowing that it is a true statement from a Biblical perspective – this is Christ’s church indeed. But I also say this as I observe the reality of  what is happening at Emmaus. I do believe that God has called me to Pastor this congregation an I take that calling seriously, but I am only one of a plurality Pastors. I know that God has gifted me to play a particular role in this church, but I also see that everyone of you has been gifted, and you are using your gifts to edify one another and to bring glory to God. What a joy it is to watch all of this come together!



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church