Announcements for the Week of July 17, 2011

Gospel Community Groups are Starting 7/17/2011

Emmaus will offer a handful of Gospel Community Groups starting this week with more groups coming soon. If this initial batch of groups fills up, or if the times do not work for you, please understand that more groups will launch in the coming months. Our goal is to have everyone involved in a GCG’s, but we are also requiring that all GCG leaders go through a rather intense training process. Training leaders takes time but we do not want to rush this training process. Thank you for your patience as we strive to provide Emmaus with enough GCG’s for everyone to be involved, and yet maintain a high standard and a sense of continuity amongst our group leaders. If Gospel Community Groups fill up before you sign up, you can also join the Emmaus Essential class mentioned below.

Youth Ministry Change Starting 7/19/2011

Beginning this Tuesday, both Jr. and Sr. High youth will be meeting on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm at the Zerebny’s house located at 26419 Old Agency Road. The youth will continue at this location at least until we find a new location for Emmaus.

Angel Food Ministries Distribution 7/30/2011

Angel Food Ministries will be distributing food boxes from the church office at 717 E. Florida Ave. on Saturday, July 30th. Distribution runs from 9 – 10:30am with set up beginning at 8:00am. Glen and Anna would love to have you come and serve along side them as they package food, walk folks to their cars, and pray for them. Please call Anna at 951•293•4145 or visit the “Ministries” page on our website for more information.

Emmaus Essentials Starting 8/7/2011

We will be studying the Doctrine of Salvation starting August 7th at 10am at the church office. We will be using “Making Sense of Salvation” by Wayne Grudem. This is one part of a seven part series that was taken from his large volume called “Systematic Theology”. You can order the text on Amazon or request that the church order the book for you. The book costs $11.24. Please come to the first meeting having read chapter one and having answered the questions in the back of the chapter. Also, I noticed that Wayne Grudem has free lectures corresponding to the chapters in his systematic theology available on ITunes. I thought that these might be helpful for commuters or for those who are a little lest than enthusiastic about reading this much every week.

Location Update

We will likely be meeting at BFC for at least one more week, if not more, but there is a possibility that we experience a move in the not to distant future. Please check the website regularly this week for an update on meeting location.



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church