Emmaus Essentials – Making Sense of Salvation

There is a page on our site entitled Emmaus Essentials and as of today the page still says COMING SOON! That is because we have been in the process of developing this concept and deciding where it will fit in the life of the church. As you know, we desire to do a few things well here at Emmaus; we want to pursue depth and to avoid lifestyles that are busy and cluttered with things that distract from our relationship with God and others. That is not to say that we will not offer a lot of things here at Emmaus, but rather that what we do offer will be focused intensely on our mission to help people grow in their love for God, their love for one another, and their service within the church, community, and nations. We would like for everyone to attend Sunday worship with regularity, to be involved in a Gospel Community Group, and to use their spiritual gifts for the edification of the church and for the proclamation of the gospel. Really, it is about that simple.

That said, we also see a need to provide instruction that will help Christians to grow in their understanding of Christian faith. We have decided to offer a series of courses on a variety of core topics that we believe will help our people to love God and others more deeply.

The courses will typically run for 4-6 allowing you to “dive in” for a short time and still stay committed to your Gospel Community Group. For starters we will offer a course on the Doctrine of Salvation on Sundays from 10am – 12pm at the Church Office. The course will begin August 7 and run for 8 weeks until September 26, 2011. This will probably be the longest course that we offer, but 8 weeks is needed given the subject matter. We will be using Wayne Grudem’s “Making Sense of Salvation” as our text. You can either order the text yourself or request that we order it for you. Please check back on the Emmaus Essential page for more details coming soon.




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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church