Recommended Reading on The Doctrine of Salvation

For those of you who are desiring to study the doctrine of salvation I would like to suggest three resources.

One, please start by reading the blog post “What I Believe Concerning the Doctrine of Salvation” as this will provide you with quick overview of the issue.

chosen-by-godTwo, I would recommend “Chosen by God” by R.C. Sproul. This book clearly explains the biblical doctrine and also deals with some of the questions that typically arise.

Three, I would recommend “The Five Points of Calvinism” by Steele, Thomas, and Quinn. This books explains the history of this doctrine and then provides a great deal of scripture references for you to explore.

In all of this study remember that the scriptures are our authority for truth! The Lord has blessed the church with teachers throughout church history and many of them have put their teaching in writing. We should read much in the same way that we would listen to a sermon. We are to honor and respect these teachers all the while testing them against the authority of God’s Word.

Remember that we plan to offer a class in the summer dealing with this issue. It is possible that “The Five Points of Calvinism” will serve as our textbook for the study.

2 Responses to "Recommended Reading on The Doctrine of Salvation"

  • Jason Smith says:
    • janady says:
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that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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